PÉREZ, FERNANDO KALANDRAKA Ref. 9788484649519 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    An ingenious bird and rabbit are the main charactersof ?The red ladder?, a fun book for early readerswith vibrant, figurative images and simple storyline.Part of the story is accumulative, as it enumerates actionsand elements that are repeated consecutivelyin a kind of memory game, helping to teach ...
    Ancho: 200 cm Largo: 200 cm Peso: 250 gr
    Sin estoc
    13,00 €
  • Descripción

    An ingenious bird and rabbit are the main characters
    of ?The red ladder?, a fun book for early readers
    with vibrant, figurative images and simple storyline.
    Part of the story is accumulative, as it enumerates actions
    and elements that are repeated consecutively
    in a kind of memory game, helping to teach vocabulary
    and antonyms as well as introducing themes such as the size
    of objects, distances or laterality, with an ending that combines logic and humour.

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